Collage of different campus events bike rodeo, pep rally and book character day

Blattman PTA

Thank you for your interest in joining Blattman Elementary's PTA! It's one of the best ways to be involved in your child's education and deepen your understanding of our school and NISD. But PTA is not just about fundraising and volunteering; it's also about having a voice in our children's education all the way up to the state and federal level. When our state PTA representatives advocate for our children in the state legislative session, they are there solely for the best interests of our children, with the full weight of nearly 500,000 local PTA members behind them. Every $10 membership increases the impact we can have at that level - so if you don't have the time or inclination to volunteer, that's ok, join anyway - just being a member makes a difference!

5 Reasons to Join PTA!

  1. Benefit your Child!  Research shows that children perform better when parents are involve at home and at school.
  2. Get Connected! There’s no better way to know what’s happening at school.
  3. Tap Into a Network! PTA connects you to other parents and teachers through meetings, events, and communications, helping to build a sense of community.
  4. Be a Role Model! By becoming a PTA member, you’ll be demonstrating to your child the importance you place on education.
  5. Witness Improvement! By getting involved in PTA, you’ll be a part of the solution—helping to make positive changes.

    For more information and volunteer opportunities please visit the Blattman PTA site. View Blattman PTA site.

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