students learning group setting

Spring Semester EOY Exam Exemptions


All students are able to be exempt from final exams at the end of this semester if they meet the following criteria:

  1. For the Spring semester, the student has three or fewer absences, excluding school business absences;
  2. The student’s final average for the spring semester is 80 or higher;
  3. The student’s conduct grade in that class is satisfactory or better; and
  4. The student is in attendance during the scheduled exam time.


Attendance Matters - please monitor student attendance on HAC. 

We don’t want any students to lose credit because of attendance. 

After 10 absences, students can lose credit for 2nd-semester credits.

Please contact your student’s Homeroom teacher (2nd-period teacher) for any updates on current grades or attendance. Ask for a copy of the student’s parent conference report.

If you receive a notification that your student was marked absent, please be sure to check their attendance on HAC.
Please consider submitting your medical notes through our attendance email -

In order to earn credit for high school courses in the state of Texas, students must not only maintain grades above a 70, but also must be present in class 90% of the time. This is equivalent to students being allowed only 7 absences during the first semester. As of right now, you have exceeded these 7 allowed absences in the classes listed below. In order to earn credit for these classes, you MUST do Attendance recovery!

Attendance recovery is earned by attending tutoring with the teacher whose class you owe hours for. You can view the "2023-2024 Marshall and LMS Tutoring Schedule" so you can see some available times for each teacher, many teachers offer additional times beyond what you see on this page. Please get with the teacher/s below to find out their tutoring times so that you can make arrangements to attend. Teacher emails are also included in this document! Be sure to remind them to submit hours on your behalf when you are there!

If you believe that you have accumulated any absences in error, please have a conversation with your teacher so that they can reach out to the attendance office to make any necessary corrections.

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